SSI Online Membership Payments

To join SSI or renew your membership, follow the easy steps below:
  1. Make sure you have a PayPal account or a credit card before you begin.
  2. Select your membership option and click on the "Pay Now" button next to your choice.
  3. You will proceed through the PayPal secure checkout. During checkout you will be asked for a "Ship To" name and address. This will be your membership name and address, so please make sure it is correct.
  4. When the payment process is complete, please allow PayPal to return you to this site for information about your membership.
If you experience any problems, or have questions or suggestions, please contact the SSI membership chair.

Individual, 1 yr $10.00
Individual, 3 yr $25.00
Family, 1 yr $12.00
Family, 3 yr $30.00
Overseas, 1 yr $15.00
Overseas, 3 yr $40.00